Monday, March 9, 2009

You go through so many emotions when you get any diagnosis, like cancer. Soon after mine, I decided to paint some of my reactions and this is what came from my heart.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is a drawing by my sister with her poem worked into it too.

"Understood" by Christine Harkins

I like to look on the bright side.
But, there isn't always a bright side to see.
And, I am a woman of faith,
Yet, I think God understands me.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This is Frankenboob.

A Super women, who is able to ....

well I haven't figured that out yet....

I can open jars now... and cut my own melons, and I mean the fruit melons! :)

Surgery does that to ya!

I am a cancer survivor...


My first post....I am Frankenboob. Otherwise known as a breast cancer survivor. My humor may be a little bit off, but, I am in a process. To become someone that I haven't been before, a survivor . What do you think of Frankenboob? It is how I refer to my chest. I have known women who named their breasts, referred them as "the girls", and such. But I never took much notice in that way. Don't get me wrong...I LIKED them. But now they are gone, I don't know if God will give me new ones in the resurrection, I won't need them after all.... I have heard of people who say that when you get to heaven you receive back your missing or mangled parts. Will I? hummm.